Acko Interview Experience | Oncampus 2020
Acko visited our campus for a Software Engineer Internship + PPO. They have shortlisted around 400 students to give an online Coding test at Hackerrank based on Resume.
The interview consists of 5 Round
Round 1: Online Coding round — Hackerrank
Contains 3 Coding questions — Any Language
1. Ways to sum to N using array elements with repetition allowed 2. Questions based on regular Expression in which we have to design a regular Expression for returning a true if in given string
first character is the same as the last character.3. Minimum number of Increment to make array strictly increasing or decreasing
I managed to solve all 3 questions.
After this only 12 Student make to Technical Interview
Round 2: Technical Interview — Google Meet
First 15 to 20 min of Introduction and I explained my Projects in the dept. Then he directly moves to coding questions
He provided a plain text editor where I have to code.
1. Merge K sorted array in 1d sorted array.2. Rotate a matrix to 90 degrees in anti-clockwise.
I solved very quickly and we have much time left then he asked me another question.3. Count the number of subarray having exactly K distinct element in it .
He asked a few OOPS Concepts like
1. what is polymorphism?
2. what are virtual functions?
3. Difference between OOPS and Procedural Programming?
4. What is Inheritance?
After this, I asked a few questions to the interviewer and then round is over
Around 5 Student move to Round 2
Round 3: Technical Discussion — Google Meet
she asked for my Introduction and we have an in-depth Project discussion.
1. How will you check an HTML is valid or not and Code it also.
I given a stack Solution and I code it.
After she asked a few SQL Questions — Provided me a dummy table
1. Find the Largest Salary in the given table?
2. Find the Nth largest salary in a given table?
3. Select all details who have a name starting with 'a'?
Then she Moved to test Part
How will you Test the google page?- Complete including pagination, recommendation, website, Meta tags, Links.
Discussed around 10 minute
In the last one more coding question
2. Given an array contains only binary values - group all 1 on the left side and 0 on the right side in a minimum number of swaps
3 student Moved to the next round
Round 4: Hiring Manager Round
The interview is mixed with technical and HR type Questions
Started my long Introduction and detailed project description based on machine learning. He asked me to show it live where it is deployed.
I have shown him in my Kaggle account -complete Notebook. He used to ask so many questions from it.
Moved to my 2nd project which is related to Web development, He asked
what is an asynchronous function in Javascript and How it works? Few more questions in Javascript.
He seemed to be impressed by my achievement and my projects.
He started asking HR type question
1. What will you do when you have 1 crore?
2. Tell me the difficult decision you have made and how you managed?
3. What is your strength and weakness?
4. Where you will see yourself after 5 years?
and few more...
He said I will have one more round where all interviewer will give me feedback.
Round 5: Feedback Round
Didn’t went for me…
After 4 days, I got a mail from HR that I am selected for Software Engineer Intern with 2 others.
Result: Selected